Monday, July 28, 2008

Hey Yardley's

After talking with Alison, I decided that we needed to put ourselves on the web. So here's out blog spot and I need email addresses to invite people to read our blog and to write on it. Here's what you have to do to blog with us. When I have your email address I will invite you to write on the Ike Yardley Herd blog. Then you visit your email and accept the invitation. You will then follow the prompts to sign in. You may need to register your email account on google accounts. It sounds a little confusing, but it's not that bad. If you have any questions, email me at you can call me! If it's o.k. with you all(let me know), I am not going to restrict the readers of this blog. However, it some of you would prefer that it's fine with me.
The more we post, the better, I think. There is a site called, that makes blogs into books. It's super easy and a great way to preserve our family history for the year for a great price. So let's get started!
Sara Dawn